Disperis fanniniae buds in wonderworld

    Disperis fanniniae buds in wonderworld
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Judd Kirkel Welwitch

    The Disperis fanniniae plant in picture is playing interesting tricks of colour and form. The buds are lemon yellow, their dorsal sepal hoods elongated like multiple crania of an extra-terrestrial being conjured by a modern mind; or the many headed Hydra of Greek mythology, the product of an ancient mind.

    Sharp-beaked and big-eyed, the heads are collectively inspecting the miraculous disappointment of their reduction to single plant status. The lateral sepals are still folded in over the flower mouths in the bud phase, contributing to the head-like appearance.

    The purple-ridged ovaries twist from the efforts of the heads conducting their inspections, or in botanical terms merely from the resupination of the flower that brought the dorsal sepal to the top; both interpretations belonging in the domain of the miraculous although the latter one is also scientific.

    The spreading, lanceolate bracts are leaf-like and sessile, clasping the neck below the ovary, like collars seen in fashionable outfits of olden times. (But what creature bears its ovaries in its necks?)

    Down below, already inspected thoroughly by the attentive heads, are a couple of heart-shaped leaves around the reddish purple stem. The leaves are dark, greenish purple or purplish green depending on the brain preference behind the eyes that are looking.

    The leaf surface is shiny and its margins entire, apart from some bites taken by an unnamed forest beastie. Harry Potter and associates or some Tolkien trolls could walk by any minute, maybe take an interest...

    The world of flowers is at the door of the imagination.

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