Disperis wealei flowers

    Disperis wealei flowers
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Judd Kirkel Welwitch

    Disperis wealei bears one to six white flowers in lax spikes during summer and early autumn.

    The hood formed by the dorsal sepal is rounded, about 1 cm in diameter and 5 mm deep. Green tepal markings may be seen, particularly on the inside surfaces of the lateral petals that flank the dorsal sepal.

    The obovate lateral sepals spreading below the flower centre have undulating surfaces and long, attenuating tips that are acutely pointed. Conical spurs occur in the middle of these sepals, at least one of them visible in the photo.

    The elliptic, pointed floral bracts are more or less as long as the ovaries next to them on the inside (Manning, 2009; Pooley, 1998).

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