Dioscorea hemicrypta fruit capsule remains

    Dioscorea hemicrypta fruit capsule remains
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    Shades of brown and grey multiply upon the dry surfaces of the spent Dioscorea hemicrypta fruit capsules that persist on the plant when the seeds are long gone, dispersed by the wind.

    The flowers that preceded this spectacle had six tepals in two whorls, like plants from the large lily family to which the Dioscoreaceae family is related in early taxonomic branching. The female flower grows the fruit from the three-locular ovary that has a style on each locule.

    When one finds fruit remains on a plant, the female gender of this dioecious species is confirmed (Leistner, (Ed.), 2000; Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2010; https://www.seedsforafrica.co.za).

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