Diospyros rotundifolia calyx lobes

    Diospyros rotundifolia calyx lobes
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Johan Wentzel

    Diospyros rotundifolia, or commonly in Afrikaans the duinesterappel (dune star apple), has creamy-white flowers appearing late in spring. After the ovoid, red to purple fruit has fallen, the four to five brick-red calyx lobes curl back in prolonged adornment during winter as seen here.

    This tree grows in northern KwaZulu-Natal; its main distribution is in coastal Mozambique.

    The Diospyros genus also comprises well-known trees such as (black) ebony or D. ebenum, striped ebony, popular fruits like the persimmon, i.e. D. virginiana and D. melanoxylon and the Thailand gold apple, D. decandra (Van Wyk and Van Wyk, 1997; Wikipedia).

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