Pteronia pallens or Scholtzbos

    Pteronia pallens or Scholtzbos
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    Scholtzbos or aasvoëlbos (vulture bush) dominates in the Little Karoo habitat type known as Scholtzbosveld, named for it. This terrain has shallow loam soil over calcrete on flat-topped hills; an impoverished terrain that harbours few species.

    The plant is also found more widespread in other veld types, although not in the same abundance and not among the renosterbos. Prevalence of this bush indicates overgrazed veld, although the plant itself is not grazed as it is toxic.

    Flowering occurs in spring and summer. This one was seen in the Rooiberg in October (Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2010; Vahrmeijer, 1981).

    There is more about this plant in the Pteronia Album under Genera. Such material can be accessed via the Search Box or by opening the particular Album.

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