De Rust spring landscape

    De Rust spring landscape
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Judd Kirkel Welwitch

    De Rust at the foot of the Swartberge is a delightful small dorp of the Little Karoo, delighting its residents with spring scenes like this. There are the mesembs blooming in colour profusion and variety to dominate the scene. Other plants like Cotula may also contribute broad brush strokes, but a walk through the veld brings the surprises of the rare ones.

    Hidden in the multitudes, those tiny ones growing solitary with only one flower may give as much (or more) joy.

    What is prettier, a lone Disa or an acre of vygies? If an experiment with controls for colour, shape and rarity is conducted, the split between responses favouring the one versus the many will probably correlate with interesting variables in personality and human nature.

    Sadly, people living amidst the most exquisite beauty of nature may become sated, noticing nothing while cruising through life in continual grey. This is similar to loves sad satiety referred to by Shelley, a condition below the living standard of his skylark.

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