Haworthiopsis viscosa losing the roof over its head

    Haworthiopsis viscosa losing the roof over its head
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    Shrub covering means more than shade to the small succulent plants of the Little Karoo. It is general roof shelter, even to snakes and what not.

    Things that crawl, bite or sting motivate passersby to watch their step. Walk in the open patches around the shrubs where clear ground is visible and safe (or safer). Merely the thought may save a small plant from being trampled.

    Thus animals that threaten are also useful to plants; nemesis and saviour in nature cohabiting side by side.

    Whatever the nature of its guardian angels, this Haworthiopsis viscosa stem clump has survived, branching and blooming successfully over the years under the bush it shares space with.

    H. viscosa is drought resistant, found both under cover and on exposed rocky outcrops where shade may still be enjoyed during part of the day, or not (Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2010).

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