Daisy panorama

    Daisy panorama
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Alet Steyn

    After good rains Namaqualand shows its wealth of flower colour. Go visit at the end of winter and early spring. If climate doesnt change, this remains for future generations. If it does, the plants adapt or succumb.

    Will the Namaqualand daisies become lighter in colour as the earth warms up? In 1965 the science writer, James Lovelock suggested this in his Gaia Hypothesis regarding a possible future for the earth: Light coloured daisies will be the last to reflect heat effectively and survive best as climbing temperatures force the others out. Conversely, in a world that gets colder, the darker coloured daisies, that can absorb heat better, will proliferate.

    What will still be standing with the last, white daisies if the current process is not turned around? Fitting decor for the ultimate funeral? Lovelocks later books increase the gloomy outlook. Warmed-up frogs dont jump, do they?

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