Calobota cytisoides also known as geelertjiebos

    Calobota cytisoides also known as geelertjiebos
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    Calobota cytisoides is a greyish shrub that bears trifoliolate leaves and yellow spring flowers in the Biedouw Valley and more widely.

    The dull coppery to purplish brown calyx, conspicuous when the corolla is not yet fully open, has a squarish base and angular lobes. The flower stalk is attached to the lower corner of the calyx back end.

    The inside of the peaflower-like corolla is bright yellow, the outside sometimes streaked red as on some vein-lines in picture. The plant is known in Afrikaans as the geelertjiebos (yellow pea bush).

    There is more about the plant elsewhere on this Site. Find it in the Calobota Album or by entering the botanical name in the Search Box.

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