Haworthia bayeri greener lower down

    Haworthia bayeri greener lower down
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    The upper leaf surfaces of Haworthia bayeri are presented to sunlight as a dark green to brown or purple rosette of small triangles. A rosette becomes about 9 cm in diameter, bearing up to 20 leaves.

    Young leaves tend to be more erect, the older ones more recurved, their upper surface sometimes slightly concave. The outer angles of the triangles are slightly rounded, which helps in distinguishing this plant from the similar H. emelyae that has sharper points to its leaf tips and paler green leaf colouring. The leaf surface is rough to the touch from minuscule tubercles; likened to a cat’s tongue.

    Three to seven vein lines are usually seen from base to tip. The lower leaf parts are greener, the keel rendering the stem of the leaf triangular in cross-section like the upper surface (Scott, 1985; Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2010).

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