Haworthia cymbiformis flowers

    Haworthia cymbiformis flowers
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    The flowers of Haworthia cymbiformis are quite a bit more noticeable and attractive than some other species of the genus. The six narrow tepals are white, recurving and have a central dull maroon line on the inside down the centre into the base. Some haworthias are grown more for the leaf rosettes than for the small and inconspicuous flowers.

    In habitat the plants receive mainly summer rain. They produce suckers readily, forming dense clumps or mats of leaf rosettes. 

    This is a comparatively easy Haworthia to grow. It responds positively in well-drained sandy-loamy soil with partial sunlight and moderate watering. If the plant receives too little sun the leaves tend to get bloated and soft (www.thecactusking.com and http://haworthia-gasteria.blogspot.com).

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