Hermannia pulverata flowers

    Hermannia pulverata flowers
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Louis Jordaan

    Hermannia pulverata flowers grow paired on longish, hairy peduncles. The shorter, in picture darker pedicels allow the flowers to nod. The hairy calyx is bell-shaped, ending in five attenuating, acutely pointed sepal lobes. Those in picture are still green.

    The hairless corolla is slightly longer than double the calyx length. It has five petals furled in the shape of a narrow conic section. Each petal has one lateral margin visible and lying on the cone, the other hidden inside. The concealed petal margins are around the obtusely pointed anthers and obovate, hairy ovary, all included in the corolla and not visible at the mouth.

    The corolla colour is initially yellow or yellowish brown, later becoming orange (Bond and Goldblatt, 1984; JSTOR; iNaturalist).

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