Hebenstretia parviflora flowers

    Hebenstretia parviflora flowers
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The stalkless, scented flowers of Hebenstretia parviflora grow in dense stem-tip spikes.

    The corolla is white above, orange low down. There are instances when the usually white corolla parts are pink. The orange part may also vary, sometimes being white all over the corolla. The funnel-shaped corolla tube is split down the front. The one lip of the corolla divides into four, erect, finger-like lobes. There are two unequal pairs of stamens positioned at different levels inside the tube. The flower is about 5 mm in diameter.

    Flowering happens in late winter and early spring, the time when Namaqualand explodes in bloom (Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2010; Le Roux, et al, 2005; iNaturalist).

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