Liparis remota flower

    Liparis remota flower
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Judd Kirkel Welwitch

    The pale green to dully cream-yellow flowers of Liparis remota grow in a terminal spike. The flower segments appear fleshy, sometimes glossy. There are three to eight flowers in the inflorescence becoming 10 cm to 15 cm long. Small sheath-like bracts subtend the flowers.

    The median (dorsal) sepal is narrow and erect, the lateral ones obliquely elliptic, connected to each other below the broadly spoon-shaped to rounded lip in the flower centre. The narrowly linear petals are deflexed, thread-like and fleshy in the photo, protruding below.

    Flowering happens from late spring to early autumn (Liltved and Johnson, 2012; iSpot;

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