Plumbago tristis flowers

    Plumbago tristis flowers
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Louis Jordaan

    The flowers of Plumbago tristis grow short-pedicelled in stem-tip racemes, all pointing up.

    The corolla tubes are narrowly funnel-shaped and about 25 mm long, much longer than the calyces. The five petal lobes of each flower angle out or spread from the mouth. They are usually pale yellow with some pink, fading to overall reddish pink. Corolla diameter is about 10 mm.

    The five stamens are free, the oblong anthers dark. The oblong ovary is superior, the style thread-like and hairy, its tip five-branched.

    Flowering happens from before midspring to early autumn.

    The membranous capsule that follows dehisces when ripe in a fissure opening around its body (Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2015; Leistner, (Ed.), 2000; Bond and Goldblatt, 1984; iNaturalist).

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