Dyschoriste fischeri at Burgersfort

    Dyschoriste fischeri at Burgersfort
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Johan Wentzel

    The flowers of Dyschoriste fischeri grow in sessile axillary clusters, i.e. they lack stalks and appear above the upper leaves next to the stem. 

    The flower has a long and thin corolla tube that end in two spreading lips. The upper lip has two lobes, the lower one three. Flower colour is highly variable, ranging from white, cream or yellow to light blue or mauve. Dark purple markings are found in the throat of the corolla, irrespective of flower colour.

    Two of the four stamens protrude beyond the corolla mouth. The blooming happens throughout summer.

    The leaves have short petioles and are elliptic, ovate or obovate in shape with entire margins. The plant may scramble and reach 50 cm in height (www.zimbabweflora.co.zw).

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