Kleinia fulgens flowerhead

    Kleinia fulgens flowerhead
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ricky Mauer

    Kleinia fulgens, a branched succulent, produces these spectacular red flowerheads in profusion on mature plants. They exceed many of the well known yellow or white daisy flowers common in the genus of Senecio in floral flamboyance, the genus from which Kleinia has been split off. This happened after 1980, based on microscopic flower differences between the flowers of Senecio and Kleinia or genetic features.

    Many Kleinia species grow in winter. The flowers are similar to those of K. stapeliiformis also shown in this Album. There are delicate curves on the thin stigma lobes exserted well above the floret mouths in this flowerhead.

    This plant deserves a chance from gardeners seeking good winter flower colour. The plant requires little maintenance or pampering apart from protection against the cold. Full sunlight and medium to low moisture access will do. Beginner gardeners may find this a forgiving and rewarding option, also for use in containers (www.ruthbancroftgarden.org).

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