Clausena anisata flowering

    Clausena anisata flowering
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Johan Wentzel

    The bisexual flowers of Clausena anisata grow in sparse axillary sprays or in cyme-shaped panicles up to 16 cm long. The pale yellow, cream or white flowers are about 1 cm in diameter. Floral parts occur in fours or fives. Flowering happens in late winter and spring.

    The spherical, fleshy fruit is 7 mm in diameter, from green and orange to red and black when ripe.

    A leaf infusion is sometimes used as a deodorant in some traditional communities. The leaves feature as a condiment in culinary applications, also medicinally relating to parasites.

    The wood is hard, heavy and strong, but big pieces are rarely obtained. The tree is grown widely in Indonesia, the Philippines and East Africa where it is used in the production of essential oils.

    The tree, part of the Rutaceae or citrus family, is a host to citrus psylla linked to the greening disease in citrus trees (Venter 2012; Coates Palgrave, 2002; Schmidt, et al, 2002).

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