Anthocleista grandiflora flower

    Anthocleista grandiflora flower
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The jasmine-scented inflorescences of Anthocleista grandiflora grow at stem-tips in erect clusters, also from the axils of the leaves close to stem-tips. 

    The white corolla faces up, spreading its eleven to thirteen oblong lobes. They recurve their rounded tips back to a ring around the green, cylindrical corolla tube. Faint, creamy-brown bands are visible in picture down the centre of each lobe, not continuing to the tip. Flowers fade to cream or creamy yellow, then brown. The flower is large, the corolla about 4 cm in diameter, its tube 4 cm long.

    The stamens match the corolla lobes in number. Their filaments are united low down in a central ring or cup above the corolla. The pale brown, oblong anthers are visible on the inside of this cup.

    The superior, two-locular ovary is positioned on a fleshy disc, the style long up the corolla tube, ending in the globose green stigma visible in the photo.

    Flowering happens from spring to after midsummer (Coates Palgrave, 2002; Schmidt, et al, 2002; Venter and Venter, 1996).

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