Funny fruit

    Funny fruit
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Jack Lätti

    Peculiar fruit and seed shapes are seen in forests. There is a psychological phenomenon, pareidolia, involving the perception of an image or sound produced by a random stimulus as some familiar pattern or object where none actually exists, the likeness purely fortuitous. One "recognises" something familiar in truly random stimuli. Think where the suggestible mind might go! The tendency probably features in art, could bring fame.

    Fruit and vegetable shapes of unusual warp are sometimes seen, for imagination to add outrageous analogies, recognise augurs of doom or learn untold lessons, all unintended and totally groundless. The psyche responds to the world and reaches joy or madness. Or both?

    The range of forest plants, trees and lianas may surprise with normal or standard botanical shapes waiting to be identified and learnt. This one could be identified and join a list of known fruits or return in a dream having a voice and teeth.

    Nobody has ever seen or understood everything, but we’re programmed to try.

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