Moss and fern in a forest

    Moss and fern in a forest
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    Imaginative gardeners create spots of eco-friendly forest floor conditions through mulching, compost and the fall of leaves. Add moisture and nooks of micro-climatic contrast come about. Under a couple of minimally trimmed garden trees the planned organic soil invites earthworms and other organisms to mimic real forest over time.

    Designed plant texture contrasts, capitalising on shady conditions conjure pictures of epiphytic mosses, lichen and fern. Lianas from the branches inspire planner minds into action.

    Collecting pictures of spots in natural forests help to pose the real challenges to the arty copy-cats. Some of the pictures prove too hard to replicate, but let them keep trying! For who knows how long real forests, the pretty and wild ones will still last, the way we’re going?

    Many kinds of forest captivated the minds of early generations that explored the earth in its pristine days. Choosing the primitive life today or forced into it then demanded adaptation, vigilance and skill. What was outrageously demanding once may now be reduced to quaint and romantic, given the resources we have today to defy and obstruct nature. But beware, shes alive and forever changing. All forest people have to cope with real challenges of some kind.

    The behaviour patterns of yesterdays forest people shaped quaint cultures fit to survive there. Forest demands wove overall lifestyles into durable happy days longed for by the aged. It aint what it used to be! This continues better with smart conservation, privileges that last for some as long as mod cons dont ruin it for all.

    We rack our brains about where people still really live in forests. Sympathise or lucky them? A longing or a fear? All of it lurks, embedded in and below the minds of the moderns and the post-moderns. Its in all the forest people that have come to town. Delve deep now, the forest is still there, waiting to be remembered or recognised. It serves in ideas for how foresty garden spots should be fashioned. Call it deconstructed if you must.

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