Rain water on a rock

    Rain water on a rock
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Eric Aspeling

    A hollow on a rock may retain rain water until it is removed by evaporation hastened by the sun. The welcome surprise for the first few thirsty strollers doubles up as a sporadic bird bath for a while.

    Some remember to check here after rain, others benefit from sharp eyes rather than memory. And then there are those that smell water and can find it.

    Should time add cracks in the rock, dust accumulation and seepage of moisture prepare conditions for the occasional change of fortune for the lost seed that lands on the rock. Starting such unlikely green venture is always a miracle.

    This rock sports pioneers taking their time over proving the point. Unlikely to reach dimensions comparable to their counterparts in deep soil of the open ground, their fortitude still merits mention in despatches.

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