Bassia diffusa leaves

    Bassia diffusa leaves
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    Bassia diffusa, previously Chenolea diffusa, is a beach plant bearing dense, grey foliage that gives shelter to tiny life forms in the exposed areas close to the sea where the plant may dominate.

    The plant thrives in full sunlight, shimmering silvery in the wind that is often present over the covering of fine silky hairs on the leaves. The small, lanceolate, succulent leaves are arranged in vertical, occasionally spiralling columns and tend to crowd near the stem-tips. The short, pinkish purple stems branch much, soft and often erect in their upper parts, while the long, lower stems parts sprawl. Lower leaves may also adopt the pink-purple colouring.

    The flowers are small and inconspicuous, yellow-green and silky-haired on the outside. Flowering happens in spring and early summer. The fruit is small, housing ellipsoid seeds that are nearly black (Smith, et al, 2017; Mustart, et al, 1997; Bond and Goldblatt, 1984; JSTOR).

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