Chasmanthe aethiopica in flower by the sea

    Chasmanthe aethiopica in flower by the sea
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    Winter seaside strollers on the coast of the Western Cape or Eastern Cape have a chance of seeing a sight like this.

    Chasmanthe aethiopica, the cobra lily, blooms earlier than most coastal bulbous plants. Flowers are seen from mid-autumn to midwinter. These flowers return annually without fail. They form stands in sun and shade, even pushing through the foliage of permanent shrubs. Not daunted by dense canopies of coastal scrub or forest margins, cobra lilies will exceed their normal free standing height of up to 65 cm, to push leaf tips and flowers beyond 1 m if need be, to see some sun (Manning, 2007;

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