Resilient life

    Resilient life
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    Where contrasting patterns of living conditions meet, the living capitalise on features of opposing assortments of resources to meet their needs. Unusual selections of life forms exist side by side, reminding observers of special experiences promised here.

    Most ecologies are characterised by a few abundant life forms and a large number of niche species, spiced with those rare visiting ones that become admired, feared or never having been seen before. The spirit compels the body to roam, to see more that’s new, elsewhere, in new places.

    Every visit to the seaside carries the manifest purpose or latent hope of seeing something unusual and exciting. Kelp, ibis or chenolia only excite when encountered infrequently. They are rare in most environments, here they dominate. Love’s sad satiety is everywhere.

    Storing the experience of being here, the eye and ear finish with the commonplace to seek the thrilling. The albatross, the orchid, the octopus may show themselves to delight, as a diamond does better than a rock. The mind has its flaws.

    How long will the abundant species dominate here? Anywhere? What currently rare species will be plentiful in the future?

    Realise before going home: continually becoming something different becomes the world.

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