De Hoop Nature Reserve

    De Hoop Nature Reserve
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    The De Hoop Nature Reserve is a State owned site of over 35 000 hectares on land and another 25 000 hectares of marine area, managed by the Western Cape Conservation Authority.

    The vegetation represents mainly three recognized types, viz. limestone fynbos, mountain fynbos and dune fynbos. Small areas of laterite fynbos, coastal renosterveld and afromontane forest also occur within the Reserve. Many species of water birds are found around the lake area. There are some antelope species, notably eland and bontebok that are often seen around the living area for people.

    Holiday makers will find good accommodation, restaurant facilities and opportunities for hiking, mountain biking, bird and game watching. Driving through the park and spending time on the beach add to these opportunities. Botanising is particularly attractive all year round, as the indigenous plant list contains more than 15 000 species.

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