Euryops species at Mt. Sheba

    Euryops species at Mt. Sheba
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Johan Wentzel

    Southern African temperate grasslands hold the bulk of their diversity in herbaceous herbs, less so in grass species, although it is grass that one sees most! The occasional tree and shrub is added as in the picture, often on the species rich rocky outcrops at the brows of the hills.

    This Euryops shrub is blooming in the hills of the escarpment near Mount Sheba in Mpumalanga. This is one place where the grassland riches are spectacular, both in high plant endemism and botanical diversity. Many bulbous species, succulents and much else grow here. On the hill in the distance the monoculture plantation of exotic pine or eucalyptus makes economic, but not ecological sense.

    People cannot choose either nature or business these days. We are simply too dependent on biological diversity and simultaneously on large volumes of plant and animal products for our needs. Humanity is confronted by a fatal tilting point in history: Balance conservation with consumption and population numbers, or else!

    The earth has already delivered the climate change ultimatum. Immediately ahead lies a new survival challenge not yet addressed; a steep gradient in the collective learning curve of a species that wants to live (Braam van Wyk, Geasphere Conference Nov 2006).

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