Tree of the year

    Tree of the year
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    So we know which the tree of the year is? Picking the best is a popular human habit, of no consequence beyond our species. Every plant and animal is what it is, good and bad being irrelevant in their worlds.

    What people find useful gains value in our eyes. What we don’t, is easily abused. The best tree for a specific type of garden or spot in a garden does make sense. Species below the radar brought to people’s attention create useful options for them to choose, plant or promote. So, by all means support the tree of the year. 

    The other trees also become important where they grow in nature, once diversity is recognised. If people respect nature for long enough, the human species may last long enough for every kind of tree in the country to have its year, promoted for its unique place in the world.

    Now wouldn’t that be something!

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