Enough for life

    Enough for life
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    Members of a community are not equally noticed. Among people the big, noisy, in your face ones may get elected to higher office!

    In ecology everything that eats, breathes and defecates in whatever manner interacts in the all-inclusive biodiverse dance of survival. This will last as long as the interdependent participants do.

    Big mammals consume whatever is edible, prune plants, disperse seeds, fertilise soil and sleep on it. What they drop is used by others, albeit that some users may be small, even invisible. Insects serve as pollinators while bacteria break down some substances, releasing others. Every bit in the goings-on is functional in some way, immediately or later.

    Remove one player, big or small and everything changes in a multitude of knock-on effects, seldom fully foreseen due to the complexity of it all. Every micro-ecology touches the adjacent ones in an endless biosphere around the earth. Some think of this deep layer of living things around the earth as one living entity, rather than many separate species, as they all live because the others live.

    Among people different perspectives are fed by different parts of the truth, depending on what is useful to whom. Every species matters to itself. It uses the others around it directly, indirectly or unknowingly. But in nature still kindly: they might be needed tomorrow!

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