Gibbaeum velutinum

    Gibbaeum velutinum
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Judd Kirkel Welwitch

    Gibbaeum velutinum, in Afrikaans commonly known as haaibekkie (little shark mouth), is a dwarf succulent.

    The longer leaf in each pair, a distinctive characteristic, brought the plant the haaibekkie name. This longer leaf may grow to over 6 cm in length. 

    G. velutinum flowers pink in autumn. The flowers are about 5 cm in diameter.

    The species distribution is restricted to part of the western Little Karoo, west of Barrydale.

    The habitat is shrubveld and renosterveld in shallow clay soils. The species is considered to be vulnerable in its habitat early in the twenty first century, due to stock farming and road construction.

    The plant is adapted to winter rainfall, susceptible to rotting when receiving too much water, especially in summer. It does better in partial shade during the hot months (Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2015;

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