Gladiolus hybrid, close to G. dalenii

    Gladiolus hybrid, close to G. dalenii
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    The Cape Floristic Region is the centre of diversity of the Gladiolus genus. It means that the greatest number of species belonging to this genus originated here and are still found here. While hybrids of many plants, including of this genus, occur freely in nature, horticulturally developed cultivars and incidental hybrids are added all the time, while species also disappear.

    Varieties of Gladiolus have multiplied since the middle of the 19th century in many countries in Europe, America, South Africa and further afield. Crossing and recrossing of the “best” of these hybrids with each other (and possibly with more species found in nature) have led to the hundreds, maybe thousands of variations found in gardens of the world today.

    This red and yellow garden hybrid was seen in the Botanical Garden of the North-West University at the Potchefstroom Campus, flowering in April. The plant probably has a strong component of G. dalenii in its make-up. Bicolour varieties are common and popular (

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