Gladiolus vinosomaculatus flowers

    Gladiolus vinosomaculatus flowers
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Judd Kirkel Welwitch

    The unscented flowers of Gladiolus vinosomaculatus grow in a spike around 65 cm in height. The spike is flexed at its base, straight and inclined. From nine to fourteen flowers are produced. The bracts are grey-green to blue-green, mostly from 4 cm to 8 cm long.

    The white corolla is speckled dark red or purple, the perianth tube shaped as an oblique funnel, up to 1,8 cm long. The tepals are unequal in shape, the dorsal one biggest and nearly horizontal. Tepal shape is narrowly lanceolate, the tips from acutely or obtusely pointed to rounded. The upper lateral tepals curve forward and point outwards, the lower lateral ones angled down.

    The exserted stamens have filaments up to 11 mm long and anthers up to 13 mm long. The ovary is oblong, about 6 mm long. The style arches over the stamens, its branches up to 4 mm long.

    The fruit is a capsule of up to 3 cm long, concealed inside the bracts. The winged seeds are ovoid and winged.

    Flowering happens from midsummer to early autumn (Goldblatt and Manning, 1998; iNaturalist).

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