Gladiolus equitans big yellow parts on lower tepals

    Gladiolus equitans big yellow parts on lower tepals
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Judd Kirkel Welwitch

    In this Gladiolus equitans flower there is much yellow on the lower tepals, particularly the lateral pair but not on their tips. A similar, shorter, yellow basal section occurs on the lowermost tepal that is partly robbed from sharing a place in the photo by its mates.

    The white inside surface of the dorsal tepal also reverts to orange near its notched tip. Maroon median stripes halve the broad, upper lateral tepals, fairly heavily endowed with radiating veins.

    The droopy, oblong anthers are nearly as white as the thinner filaments that hold them in position. The white style ending in three thin stigma branches is slightly longer here than the stamens while they all hang together (Goldblatt and Manning, 1998; Le Roux, et al, 2005; Eliovson, 1990; iNaturalist;

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