Gladiolus oppositiflorus stamens and style

    Gladiolus oppositiflorus stamens and style
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Judd Kirkel Welwitch

    The anthers and style of a Gladiolus oppositiflorus flower are positioned below the dorsal tepal, close to it. The three pale style branches curve down over the shorter, straight, mauve anthers below them. The anthers reach about halfway the length of the dorsal sepal, becoming about 11 mm long.

    The visible outside part of the perianth tube is cone-shaped, angled out from the tips of the bracts. In picture it has a dark part near the base, maybe corresponding to the blotch inside.

    The outer tepals have elongated tips with very wavy margins that recurve. The inner ones do not attenuate as much and only spread while also wavy (Goldblatt and Manning, 1998; Manning, 2009; Pooley, 1998; iNaturalist).

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