Geranium incanum var. multifidum

    Geranium incanum var. multifidum
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    Geranium incanum has two varieties: var. incanum with small white or light pink flowers and var. multifidum with larger, light violet to magenta pink flowers. The plant in picture is G. incanum var. multifidum.

    Afrikaans names like vrouebossie, bergtee and amarabossie exist for this plant (tee = tea; vroue = women; bossie = small bush). The use of the plant’s leaves as an infusion in boiling water as a herbal tea to treat bladder infections, venereal diseases and menstrual problems are suggested by these common names.

    The amara name is probably derived from an American plant. The Quassia amara bush is a Central American plant that has been used for centuries by local populations to treat renal problems. Q. amara is said to produce the bitterest substance found in nature (Van Wyk, et al, 1997; Wikipedia;

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