Gasteria pulchra leaves

    Gasteria pulchra leaves
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The succulent leaves of Gasteria pulchra ascend steeply in a ground-level rosette. Young plants start off distichous, the leaves arranged alternately in two opposite, vertical arrays, before twisting into the rosette shape.

    The leaf is oblong, tapering in its upper part to attenuate just before its acutely angled or mucronate tip. The leaf margin is minutely toothed, hard and white. The leaf surface is dark green covered in transversal bands of white spots; the plant in picture has a dark purple colouring associated with dry seasons. Leaf surfaces are usually smooth, sometimes slightly tuberculate, more so on young plants.

    A new plant can be grown from a leaf or part of it (Van Jaarsveld, et al, 2006;;

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