The zygomorphic or laterally symmetrical Nerine humilis flowers have sturdy green pedicels radiating from a lumpy base in an about hemispherical umbel. The smooth pedicels are from 13 mm to 55 mm long.
The undulate tepal margins are sometimes crisped in their upper halves; not on the flowers in picture. The tepals are lanceolate or narrowly obovate, from 3 cm to 5 cm long, while the perianth tube is only up to 0,5 mm long. Each tepal is both shallowly channelled and deeply or faintly lined pink along its median. Some tepals in picture are positioned lower than the stamens.
The style is longer than the filaments, its stubby, three-lobed stigma sometimes curved up and back, facing the flower base (Duncan, et al, 2016; iNaturalist).