Pelargonium scabrum leaves may have wider lobes, always with the marginal teeth and lesser lobes angular. The bright to yellow green blades have their bigger veins into the three big lobes recessed on the upper surfaces.
Some of the smaller, lower petals, normally three per flower, have been lost from the flowers in picture. The remaining petals are unevenly and variably rounded at their tips. Pointed, green sepals are more conspicuous below the corollas in the absence of some petals. The upper tepal markings are quite dark here, confined to the petal lobe bases.
The antenna-like, straight styles with their five curly, apical branches are prominent above the flower centres. As the flowers are fairly old, the signs of stamens, usually conspicuous in young flowers, have already diminished or vanished (Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2015; iNaturalist).