Hessea breviflora grows two smooth, dark green, strap-shaped leaves annually, nearly erect or spreading. Leaf dimensions are from 9 cm to 22 cm long and up to 1,5 cm wide. The basal leaf sheath rising from the bulb is positioned above-ground.
The inflorescence grows on a peduncle that is erect, inclined or curved, up to 20 cm long. It is laterally flattened and about 2 mm thick, the surface may be red-speckled near its tip. When the fruits are ripe, the base of the peduncle separates from the bulb.
There is a spathe comprising two bracts that initially envelop the buds, visibly hanging down in the photo. These bracts are narrowly lanceolate and coloured maroon with darker veins across their surfaces sometimes clear to see.
The green pedicels of the individual flowers are straight, from 22 mm to 55 mm long, radiating in a near hemispheric umbel (Duncan, et al, 2016; iNaturalist).