Enough is as good as a feast! Crinum paludosum of Sandhof, Namibia is just making sure of that.
How many is enough? Nature promises to astonish the receptive mind everywhere and every day. The viewers here become noisy with exclamations as well as quiet, sunken in own thoughts: How can it all be taken in? The mind battles to cope. Full comprehension feels suddenly insufficient, elusive. Does any feast ever bring contentment, gratitude? How often does overindulgence lurk in some form? Surely, satisfaction relates better to quality than to quantity. Nature fills the earth with living things according to their individual capacity, in combination with the available opportunities of the particular environment.
And then there is the similarity between the desert and the grain of sand. During famine abundance may fill one plate. Witnessing the unfamiliar plenitude is a gift that may be bestowed rarely. Once seen, it may never be forgotten. But does the gift of appreciation stir in every observer? The memory is cherished by all who own it, made rich in the best way.