The flowers of Dierama reynoldsii grow on an inflorescence stem that arches and may reach more than 2 m in length. Several short flowering spikes branch from it, up to 15 cm long and bearing up to a dozen flowers. There are prominent, papery or straw-like whitish bracts around each flower base.
The funnel-shaped flowers have six deep red, wine red or magenta tepals joined at the base and ending in pointed, sometimes slightly recurving tips. Flowers become from 2 cm to 3 cm long.
Buds (to the front in the spike) and withered flower corollas (to the back) in picture are nearly black. The style divides into three tiny branches, taller than the three pale yellow anthers.
The fruit is a spherical capsule. The small, brown seeds are spherical to angled (Pooley, 1998;