Serruria acrocarpa is a rounded shrublet that grows to 50 cm and resprouts after fire from its persistent rootstock. The leaves are finely divided and nearly hairless; leaf segments carried erectly. The new growth is yellow-green and soft. Acrocarpa meaning high fruit, probably refers to the length of the stalk on which flowers and fruits are borne.
Hairy peduncles between 1 cm and 3 cm in long support solitary, fragrant flowerheads seen all year round apart from during autumn and early winter. The peak blooming season is spring. Each flowerhead comprises 10 to 25 silvery to greenish yellow flowers. The unopened ones in picture can be seen to curve inwards pronouncedly, becoming claw-like.
The distribution ranges from the Cederberg to the southern Cape. The plants are found on flats and lower slopes of fynbos slopes (Manning, 2007).