The flower positioning in a Disa bolusiana inflorescence are nearly imbricate, overlapping like roof tiles, although not as densely as seen in some other Disa species.
Some D. bolusiana plants have flowers in the spike only on one side of the stalk, although the cylindrical inflorescence seen here is flowered on all sides.
Note how uneven the recurving is on the lateral sepals in this inflorescence.
The lime-green colouring of the ovaries at the flower bases showing behind the lips, is about as pale as inside the flower centres, emphasising the colour contrast displayed by these flowers (Liltved and Johnson, 2012).
Consider an alternative to this story:
Imagine for a moment what Salvador Dali might have made of the flower imagery in this inflorescence.
Transportation to alternative realities by the surreal that hides openly in everyday floral sightings welcomes continually to unknown lands of joy and celebration, to exalted being. Memories, the exhiliration of childhood are evoked by the beauty, the magic of flowers.
Just look and think and dream...