The flowers of Erica glomiflora var. glomiflora grow stalked in small clusters of about three at the tips of many short side-branches. They spread or nod, forming a dense false raceme around each main flowering stem, resembling a plume.
The small calyx is initially creamy yellow as in picture. When mature it is the same colour as the corolla. By then the sepals are leaf-like and papery. The calyx outlasts the corolla, hanging in there around the developing ovary after the flowering.
The slightly sticky corolla is urn-shaped with short neck and narrow mouth. The flowers are pink or magenta, sometimes white. There are eight stamens included in the corolla that is about 8 mm long.
Flowering happens all year round, more in winter and spring (Manning and Helme, 2024; Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2015; Manning, 2007; Moriarty, 1997; iNaturalist).