Kalanchoe longiflora leaves

    Kalanchoe longiflora leaves
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    The succulent leaves of Kalanchoe longiflora are large, flat and obovate with rounded or pointed tips, fairly unevenly serrated or toothed, sometimes scalloped. Leaf bases are wedge-shaped. Leaf dimensions are 4 cm to 8 cm by 3 cm to 8 cm.

    The leaves are both multicoloured and variable in colour, covered in a waxy bloom. While some will be grey-green, whitish, bluish, other leaves will show a partial orange tint, turn glaucous or just green. The red and pinkish hues typically characterise the older leaves.

    The stems are square in cross-section or quadrangular, contributing to the ease of differentiating the plant from the similar K. sexangularis that has cylindrical stems (http://pza.sanbi.org).

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