Lessertia argentea flowers

    Lessertia argentea flowers
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The dull pink-purple flowers of Lessertia argentea resemble pea flowers. They grow in short, dense racemes slightly above the leaves on long peduncles that are covered in short hairs. There are small bracts present at the peduncle bases. The calyces are similarly white-haired as the stems (and the lower leaflet surfaces). The calyx lobes are broadly triangular.

    In the corolla the banner curves back, dark vein lines across it, while the deeper-coloured wings are single-coloured. The keel is also darker and strongly rounded, its tip curving up. Each ovary contains about six to eight ovules.

    Flowering happens from the start of spring to little after midspring. The photo was taken in September.

    The nearly stalkless and hairy fruit pod is broadly elliptic to oblong, both ends blunt. The pod has a papery texture and compressed sides. It usually contains up to six seeds (Bond and Goldblatt, 1984; iNaturalist; JSTOR).

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