Reveries after eating an antelope

    Reveries after eating an antelope
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Eric Aspeling

    Some have to stay awake, for without sentries jackals may bite tails. Flies, fleas, tics, spiders and, of course, insolent small mammals irritate kings in the bush, no matter the length of royal teeth or the thunder in their roar.

    Life for bush sovereigns is about a huge meal, a long sleep and then some water that is preferably not too muddy. But what lion in his right mind will walk far with belly overload for the colour or taste of water? It aint meat!

    Hunting has to happen again, as soon as hunger prompts, but first send the wives. Eating subjects is not (yet) a crime against the animal kingdom. What else is there to eat anyway?

    Those ape-men got too big for their bare feet and look where it got them? The depravity of gizmos! Even had to give up cannibalism and all that.

    So, put up with the ants that tickle in your mane but never allow them the vote. It’s not good for them, silly things. Roar!

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