The name Albuca canadensis used to belong to a yellow flowering species, while this plant was previously called A. maxima. Proposals that the albucas should revert to the genus Ornithogalum whence they came way back, have for now died down.
You can name your children as you wish, while changing their names is hopefully seldom necessary. Plant and animal species have to be renamed on occasion in accordance with the scientific systems in the field of taxonomy. None of them will develop a sweeter scent from such a name change, as Shakespeare reminded us long ago. Some of those taking responsibility for order in science will, however, breathe easier when names fit the latest knowledge.
The leaves of A. canadensis are channelled longitudinally; there are normally four to six of them. The plant is dormant for a while during summer. The bulb has a fibrous tunic around its upper part (Manning, 2007).