Agathosma ovata Kluitjieskraal in sunlight

    Agathosma ovata Kluitjieskraal in sunlight
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The stamens of Agathosma ovata alternate with the short, pointed, petal-like staminodes in the flower centre around the green, five-pointed ovary. The filaments of the proper stamens curve out as if bending under the weight of their anthers.

    The erect style emerging from the centre of the ovary is dark purple for at least part of its short life. It tapers slightly to a minute stigma meant to be touched by an insect with pollen from another flower.

    The buds in picture are a deeper shade of pink-purple than the open flower petals that are nearly white in the sunlight.

    New growth has sprouted from all axils of the young, leafy stem, apart from the uppermost few, too young still for dealing with more than their own growth. The broad leaves are close to sessile or stalkless (Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2015).

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