Agathosma species nova (lanata)

    Agathosma species nova (lanata)
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Louis Jordaan

    Agathosma species nova (lanata), is a rare shrub yet to be formally described in a recognised publication; a ritual resembling the christening of babies. Only then will it be officially named in botany.

    This Agathosma grows into a branched, rounded bush reaching heights around 50 cm. The single-stemmed plant base indicates that it reseeds and cannot resprout after fire.

    Flowers grow in dense clusters at stem-tips during winter and spring. The white flowers have pale brown, sometimes red anthers on long, white filaments. Flower diameter is about 5 mm. The fruit has three chambers.

    The species distribution is in the south of the Little Karoo where the plants grow among arid montane fynbos or renosterveld in rocky and sandy soils (Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2010; iSpot).

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